Showing Articles written by 'John P'


Passport to success

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

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Presidents' report

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

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President's report

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

Welcome to spring!

Looking forward with a view to success

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Presidents Report Winter 2024

By John Propowich | Other articles by John Propowich

We need you! Welcome to winter!

So far it looks like it will be a good one, but don’t hold your breath.

We are now more than half way through our fiscal year at CCI Manitoba, so it’s time for me to evaluate our membership growth. While our membership numbers are up slightly from last year, they are still down from pre-pandemic levels. How to increase our membership numbers is a problem we have always struggled with.


Regular Column

Presidents Report - Fall 2023

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

With summer having come to an end and some of us looking forward to another balmy winter, I thought I would reflect on the past few months.

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President's Report - Summer 2023

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

Hello Again!

As we come to the end of another year for the Canadian Condominium Institute – Manitoba Chapter, it’s time to reflect on our accomplishments and disappointments and also on what we can look forward to in the coming year. While it certainly has been an interesting and eventful year, it was not without its share of ups and downs.


CCI National Council - Leading the way

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

There are seventeen Canadian Condominium Institute chapters across the country and each has a representative on the National Council. The Council meets virtually twice per year and in person at the National Leaders’ Forum.

Regular Column

President's Report - Spring 2023

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

With winter finally fading away and page3image57990880summer on the horizon, it’s time to look back at our accomplishments and forward to what will be happening over the coming months with the Canadian Condominium Institute.

Regular Column

President's Report - Winter 2023

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

Well, winter is well upon us and hopefully things are slowly getting back to normal. At CCI-Manitoba, we are back to in person Board meetings and Lunch n Learns. Let’s all hope the worst is behind us and we can get our lives back to the way they used to be (although we are now a few years older).


National Leaders' Forum - Is It Worth It?

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

The Canadian Condominium Institute held its National Leaders Forum this past November in Kingston, Ontario. Although I’ve attended previous forums virtually, this is the first one I attended in person. Was it worth it? Short answer - Yes!

Regular Column

President's Report - Fall 2022

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

First of all, it was absolutely wonderful (and exciting) to see everyone at the Annual General Meeting. Attendance was great and Fort Gibraltar was a wonderful location to hold our annual event. The staff did an amazing job and the food was superb. Connie Dame and her staff did an outstanding job in organizing.

Regular Column

President's Report - Summer 2022

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

I’ve been so looking forward to summer this year and surprise, things just didn’t go the way I planned. First the weather hasn’t been that great. Although we’ve had some nice days, the rain seems to have been dominating.

Regular Column

President's Report - Spring 2022

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

“Spring is in the air, I can feel it everywhere. O Yeah, spring is in the air?” I am excited! I am really excited and I hope you are as excited as I am. It is a wonderful feeling. Being cooped up through this pandemic has driven me a little stir crazy and I am excited to get outside and enjoy another great Manitoba spring and summer. With restrictions being relaxed, hopefully we will have a spring and summer like never before.

Regular Column

President's Report - Winter 2022

By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich

It’s winter, and welcome to my first report as President of CCI Manitoba Chapter. Since being elected to the position in October, I have been busy not only with the functions of being President but with learning what those functions are. Certainly with the help of Past President Maureen Hancharyk, the rest of the board members, our chapter administrator and our volunteers, the task has not been that daunting. Being President is both rewarding and challenging at the same time. From the numerous emails, committee and national meetings I have learned a lot in my short time in this position. Learning is key to being successful and my learning will continue throughout my term.

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Vol. 11, Issue 3, July 2024
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P.O. Box 48067 Lakewood PO, Winnipeg, MB R2J 4A3
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