Article from Volume 11, Issue Number 3, 2024
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Passport to success
By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich | Feature
We have had a successful year at CCI Manitoba, and we hope every condominium corporation has had one, too.
We want to celebrate and invite you to the Annual General Meeting, which promises to be a smashing success.
The theme at this year’s AGM is “PASSPORT TO SUCCESS.” We are still in the planning stage, but we have decided to issue every attendee a passport. The idea is to have your passport signed or stamped by each of our exhibitors. Once all exhibitors are in your passport, it will be entered in a draw for a fabulous prize.
This year, the AGM will be held at the Norwood Hotel. We haven’t held our AGM there in a while, but we thought it would be great to return to the scene of previous successful times. The Norwood has undergone some renovations since last we were there.
It should be a fun-filled evening, and yes, the annual meeting will be part of it, too.
All CCI Manitoba members are invited; of course, there is no cost to members. We may even buy you a drink.
Keep the following date open, and watch for an e-blast later this summer.
Annual AGM and success celebration
Thursday, Sept. 19
Norwood Hotel
112 Marion Street
Doors Open at 4 p.m.
AGM and celebration from 5 to 9 p.m.
John Popowich is the president of CCI Manitoba and its representative on CCI’s National Council.
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Vol. 11, Issue 3, July 2024
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