Article from Volume 11, Issue Number 4, 2024
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President's Report - Fall 2024
By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich | Regular Column
Looking to the future
After our successful Annual General Meeting on Sept. 19, it’s time to shift our focus from celebrating the past to planning for the future. With our executive team and committee chairs in place, I’m eager to hear their innovative ideas for enhancing our members' experiences.
Our Education Committee has consistently excelled, and I have no doubt that will continue. Attendance at our lunch & learns has been fantastic, and with the addition of hybrid formats, even more members will have the opportunity to engage with our outstanding speakers.
The Communications Committee, responsible for this newsletter, produces what I believe is the best publication in the country. We might even have a shot at being named "Newsletter of the Year."
However, we face ongoing challenges with membership and sponsorship. Increasing both will boost our revenue, enabling us to host more wonderful events and provide additional benefits to our members. While our Membership Committee has made significant strides over the past two years, there’s still a long way to go for us to represent a majority of condominium corporations in the province.
Our AGM/Sponsorship Committee is actively seeking new sponsors, and we hope to attract even more support this year. For the first time, we’ve allocated advertising funds in our budget to promote CCI Manitoba at various events, helping to raise our profile in the community. We’ll determine which committee will oversee this initiative, confident that it will contribute to our growth.
I have several items on my wish list for the upcoming year, including succession planning for our executive and board, effective marketing strategies and, potentially, a provincial conference. I’m excited to discuss these ideas further with our executive team and look forward to hearing your suggestions as well.
I’m happy to report that our executive remains intact: Alan Forbes will serve as vice-president, Audrey Harder as treasurer, Kirsten Bishop as secretary, and I will once again take on the role of president. We will be meeting later this month to finalize our plans for the coming year.
I take immense pride in CCI Manitoba and am grateful to our board of directors and volunteers who dedicate their time and talent to our success. My role as president is a serious commitment, and I am devoted to improving our organization year after year. I believe we are ahead of many other chapters across Canada.
Our achievements are due not only to our executive and committees but also to you, our members. Thank you for your support through your membership, participation in events, and your valuable feedback. The success of any organization hinges on its members, and we’re no different.
As we approach winter, there’s much to anticipate. While I’m not fond of the cold and plan to escape south for a couple of weeks in January, I’m excited for our upcoming lunch & learns and continued advocacy with the provincial government.
I genuinely enjoy connecting with our members and tried to meet as many of you as possible at our recent events. If you see me around, please come say hello! I want to hear your thoughts and get to know you better.
One of the benefits of being president is the opportunity to connect with leaders from other chapters across the country. My conversations with them about their successes and challenges provide invaluable insights that I can bring back to Manitoba.
Attending the National Leaders’ Forum has also been a highlight, allowing me to meet fellow board members and participate in sessions aimed at fostering growth for both CCI Manitoba and CCI nationally.
Wishing you all a wonderful winter season. Enjoy your vacations if you have any planned, and I look forward to seeing you at our next lunch & learn!
Stay safe!
John Popowich is the president of CCI Manitoba and a director of the condo corporation where he lives.
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Vol. 11, Issue 4, October 2024
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