The Condominium Act − Suggestions for Improvement

CCI Manitoba is looking for your suggestions on how you think the new condominium Act and Regulations could be improved! You have been living with the Act for five years now so you probably have some good ideas on what is working well and what is not. What are your pain points as a unit owner? How can the Act be improved to help you and your other Condo Board directors govern your Condominium Corporation? As a condominium professional, are you being limited or hindered in how you serve your clients? What sections and clauses need to be clarified? Let us know your ideas and suggestions so we can collectively work toward "our common goal, creating a successful and viable condominium community".

Submit Suggestion for Improvement

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© 2024 CCI Manitoba Chapter
P.O. Box 48067 Lakewood PO, Winnipeg, MB R2J 4A3
Tel. 204-794-1134 Email