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CCI National Council - Leading the way
By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich | Feature
There are seventeen Canadian Condominium Institute chapters across the country and each has a representative on the National Council. The Council meets virtually twice per year and in person at the National Leaders’ Forum.
At this year’s National Leaders’ Forum held in Saskatoon May 31-June 3, the Council met twice, once with the National Executive and once on their own. Both meetings were breakfast meetings beginning at 8AM. The meetings are an opportunity to express ideas, gather information from other chapters and to find out what the Executive has accomplished.
The first meeting was with the National Executive. As there are new members to the Council, everyone gave a brief introduction and a quick summary of their chapter’s accomplishments and wish list. Here in Manitoba we are developing a marketing plan, formed a Management Advisory Committee and have set a target of 18 new members for the coming year. The Huronia Chapter increased their membership through special promotions from 114 to 187. I briefly chatted with their President and Membership Chair and have given their contact information to our membership committee to discuss what Huronia did and how we can benefit from their actions.
Common issues throughout the chapters include trying to increase membership, increasing attendance at Lunch & Learns, and how to get the message out regarding Education and Advocacy. The Council is working on all these matters to get a satisfactory resolution. Our own committees are working to achieve these goals.
The Executive established a new finance sub-committee and will have numbers for us in the near future. Of concern for Council is the budget process, revenue projections and obviously costs. There was a lot of discussion on the budget process and how affiliation fees are distributed among the chapters. Three of the Council members will be submitting their suggestions on the funding model.
The National Council is looking at the development of chapter websites for standardization and policy and procedures. There will be more coming down the pike from these discussions.
Day two began with a breakfast meeting for National Council members only. With all seventeen representatives present, there was plenty of discussion and feedback. The need for national committee member volunteers was expressed and it may not be surprising but there was no problem in getting volunteers. A committee was established for Website Standardization, Chapter Chatter, National Policy and Procedure Manual, Funding Model and Business Networking Groups. Each of these committees will establish terms of reference and report back to the Council at the next meeting in July.
So why are these Council meetings beneficial? Well, aside from the networking that comes along with any conference or meeting of this type, there is the one on one time with the other representatives. I had numerous conversations with the other Council members privately to exchange ideas and find out what they do differently or better than we in Manitoba do. With any of the ideas exchanged, I was able to get contact information for our committees to discuss the ideas and possibly improve or implement some of the programs. Being able to recognize someone, know who they are and what they are all about is beneficial and something you don’t necessarily get from virtual meetings. I’m a big fan of in person meetings and events.
I know all of the Council now, something I couldn’t feel confident in saying during the pandemic and I do not need to hesitate should I need to reach out for advice or to bounce an idea.
Next year’s Leaders’ Forum will be in Halifax and again the Council will conduct their two meetings during the forum. I believe it is beneficial to all chapters.
JOHN POPOWICH, National Council Rep
CCI Manitoba Chapter
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