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President's Report - Fall 2023
By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich | Regular Column
Aloha! With summer having come to an end and some of us looking forward to another balmy winter, I thought I would reflect on the past few months.
I did manage to squeeze in some vacation time amid my hectic work and travel schedules. Eight days in Honolulu was just what I needed. As it was my first time in Hawaii, I did a lot of exploring and relaxing. I did manage to take in the necessary tourist attractions, including Pearl Harbor and a Luau, as well as spend some precious time on the beach. I rode Honolulu’s new Skyline — its above-ground metro system — from start to finish and filmed the complete ride. I visited Aloha Stadium and did a lot of exploring on my own. For me the best part was the incredible food and, of course, the morning coffee. Would I go again? Possibly, but I have a lot of other places I want to see. This winter I’m thinking of taking a trip to Savannah, Ga., one of America’s most haunted cities.
I hope you came out to our Annual General Meeting and Manitoba Derby Themed Race Night. Aside from the meeting, at which you had a chance to hear me speak — with and without a microphone — it was a great opportunity to socialize with other members. I enjoyed meeting and talking with so many members and hearing about your concerns and successes. I also heard that a few of you made a little change on the ponies. Thank you to everyone who came out to make the evening a huge success.
A big success for us this year was the first-ever Treasurers’ Forum. Styled after the Presidents’ Forum, it welcomed treasurers from Condominium Corporations in Manitoba to exchange ideas and ask questions of each other. It was an open format in which everyone had a chance to speak about whatever was on his or her mind. All of the participants I talked to enjoyed the opportunity and so we plan to continue with both the Presidents’ and Treasurers’ forums this coming year.
A National Leaders’ Forum is to be held in person in Halifax in May and a virtual National Leaders’ Forum will be held on Nov. 23. While I feel the experience of an in-person forum outweighs a virtual one, I am still looking forward to the virtual forum. It still is a great opportunity to renew acquaintances and gain knowledge and insight in the condominium industry in Canada.
Our next lunch & learn will be held Tuesday, Nov. 14, on organic waste solutions. Our lunch & learns are always great events at which to learn and meet up with other members and, since they’re free for members, it may be tough to find a seat. Our Education Committee has been working diligently scheduling lunch & learns and has planned through to February. It will again be a busy year for the Board of Directors and committees of CCI Manitoba. I can’t thank our volunteers enough for the time, dedication and hard work they have put in and will put in this coming year.
The board has a meeting scheduled for Nov. 9, when some National Committee members will discuss the Business Plan Implementation Review (BPIR). The National Committee will be meeting with all 17 chapters across the country to discuss the BPIR and our future plans and initiatives. We’ll keep you posted on how things go.
My schedule is always fairly active with travel around the province and a multitude of meetings and presentations. I have scheduled a few days off here and there, mostly Fridays and, of course, winter vacation. I kind of hibernate in the winter, as I prefer to be inside where it is warm and comfortable. I’m also looking forward to seeing the Blue Bombers win the Grey Cup.
As usual, take care, stay safe and enjoy everything Manitoba has to offer.
John Popowich is the president of CCI Manitoba and its representative on CCI’s National Council.
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