Showing Articles from the category 'Feature'
Pet Peeves or Pet Policies
By Pam Pyke | Other articles by Pam Pyke
In any situation the role of policies and rules is to provide for order set expectations and to ensure that things run more smoothly or perhaps more safely.
By HUB International KATHLEEN VANDALE | Other articles by HUB International KATHLEEN VANDALE
The Insurance Industry has seen an increase in the number of break-ins occurring in Residential Condominiums, more specifically to the common areas. As the Corporation has the responsibility to protect the common areas, here are some crime prevention recommendations to help reduce the risk:
• Get to know your neighbors – Introduce yourself. If your neighbors know you, they are more likely to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.
• Lighting – Ensure there is adequate lighting at all entrances, exits, walkways, parking areas and other common areas that may be accessible to intruders. Add motion sensor lighting if possible.
• Entrance Ways – The most common way intruders gain access to buildings is by following a legitimate visitor or resident into the building. Best practices would be to ensure that unit owners or visitors do not allow others to follow them through the door. If someone does not have a key or access card and cannot get buzzed in, they probably do not belong in the building.
Being a good condo “Citizen” - Winter 2019
As spring approaches, many condo boards and property managers set their mind to preparing for the AGM Season …. the time of year when most condo corporations hold their Annual General Meetings.
Spring start-up and trends for your container gardening - Winter 2019
By Allan Rosnes, Kindret Landscape Group | Other articles by Allan Rosnes, Kindret Landscape Group
Container Gardening is a mainstay. We’ve always seen the practice being carried out; from in our gardens, to community gardens, to commercial and corporate centres, to public city spaces. It allows for opportunities that can bring plant material into any space. Trends in container gardening have shifted over time with the container choices, plant choices, arrangement directives, etc. Yet it can serve as a vehicle for expression for any season.
Tree Issues & Concerns 2019 – Winter 2019
By Carl Epp, Parkland Tree Care | Other articles by Carl Epp, Parkland Tree Care
When planting it is very important to look at the type of tree, its characteristics and habits and the planting site.
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Vol. 11, Issue 4, October 2024
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