Showing Articles from the category 'Feature'
Building envelope upgrades save you energy — and money
By Denise Turnali | Other articles by Denise Turnali
Creating an energy-efficient building envelope is one of the most effective ways to save energy in condominium buildings.
Manitoba Limitations Act sets new time limit to sue
By Eric Hrycyk | Other articles by Eric Hrycyk
Manitoba’s new Limitations Act sets a time limit for one party to sue another for injury, loss or damage at two years from the day the reason for the claim is discovered. There are certain exceptions, but once the limitation period has expired, the aggrieved party is generally not permitted to seek recovery from another party.
CCI Manitoba’s Annual General Meeting (AGM)
By CCI MB AGM & Sponsorship Committee | Other articles by CCI MB AGM & Sponsorship Committee
The Annual General Meeting was a fun-filled event held Sept. 23 at Assiniboia Downs with a Manitoba Derby theme that brought out fancy hats and bow ties. The evening started at 5 p.m. with registration and networking, with drinks and appetizers available. The AGM proper started at 6 p.m. and was followed by awards presentations, then horse racing and networking for the rest of the evening.
We want to thank all of our members who attended the event and, based on the smiles on their faces, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Meet the four re-elected CCI Manitoba directors
By CCI MB AGM & Sponsorship Committee | Other articles by CCI MB AGM & Sponsorship Committee
We have 15 positions on our Board of Directors, with each director normally serving a three-year term. The terms are staggered so that our members elect five each year at our annual general meeting (AGM). At the AGM held Sept. 23 at Assiniboia Downs, four directors were re-elected to our board, bringing the total serving to 14. There is one vacancy.
Short-term rentals in the news
By Alan Forbes | Other articles by Alan Forbes
Some time this fall, the issue of short-term rentals (STRs) will make its way through the City of Winnipeg’s council chambers. The minutes from the Feb. 2 council meeting provided the details of the proposed regulations, while the proposed bylaw changes are described in the Reports section of the agenda of the Sept. 13 Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development Regular Meeting Minutes as “16. Zoning By-law Review - Phase 1.” The subsequent step in the process was item 2 in the Reports section “Regulating Short-Term Rental Accommodations” in the Oct. 17 Executive Policy Committee Regular Meeting Minutes.”
We’re building stronger communities the MAC way
By Duane Rohne | Other articles by Duane Rohne
Welcome to the initial article about the CCI Manitoba Management Advisory Committee. We're excited to share this initiative. Let's dive into what's been happening and how you can get involved.
Inaugural forum attracts 37 treasurers
By Kirsten Bishop | Other articles by Kirsten Bishop
CCI Manitoba held its very first Treasurers’ Forum on Aug. 23, recognizing the treasurer's role as one of the most difficult and demanding condo board positions. The session was attended by representatives from 37 condominium corporations. These representatives ranged in experience on their condo boards from three weeks to 11 years and included self-managed as well as professionally managed corporations.
Upgrade Your Heating and Cooling System to Save Energy
By Denise Turnali | Other articles by Denise Turnali
Looking for an energy-efficient heating and cooling system? Air source heat pumps can provide both heating and cooling for condominiums and can reduce electric heating costs by up to 30%.
Fire Code, Parkades and Storage Lockers
By Alan Forbes | Other articles by Alan Forbes
This topic was raised by a member at CCI Manitoba’s Presidents’ Forum on April 11th, 2023, which pertained to an item in our Summer 2017 Newsletter that published a bulletin from the Fire Prevention Branch of the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS) which provided details on the new fire prevention by-law 35/2017. Since its initial release, the by-law has been amended twice, once in 2021 (updates to penalties and enforcement in section 70) and once in 2022 (changes to Council Committee names). The new (and current) by-law, 35/2017, replaces the prior by-law 150/2004
Advocacy Update - Summer 2023
By Alan Forbes | Other articles by Alan Forbes
This is a recurring feature in our newsletter covering topics affecting condominium corporations (CCs) due to current or planned municipal or provincial legislation and regulations. While our recent focus has been on Winnipeg, primarily with respect to short-term rentals and waste diversion (recycling), if CCs in other municipalities are aware or concerned about similar matters where they live, please let us know, by sending an email to
CCI NLF - A Newbie’s Perspective
By Patricia Salaam, Alan Forbes | Other articles by Patricia Salaam, Alan Forbes
CCI National Leaders Forum & Conference
The National Leaders Forum (NLF) started at noon on Wed May 31st and ran until the end of the day Friday June 2nd. The National Conference was held on Saturday June 3rd. This article provides two accounts of the NLF & Conference from the perspective of two newbies (first time attending a NLF).
Court Case Lessons Learned
By Sean Restall | Other articles by Sean Restall
Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench: Smith v. Lehmann et al
One of the larger disputes that can arise between a Condominium Corporation and a unit owner stems from the financial responsibility of correcting deficiencies of a unit. The Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench made a ruling Smith v. Lehmann et al. that provided reinforcement to the balance of a unit owner’s duty under section 180(2) of The Condominium Act versus the rights of a Condominium Corporation under section 181.
CCI National Council - Leading the way
By John Popowich | Other articles by John Popowich
There are seventeen Canadian Condominium Institute chapters across the country and each has a representative on the National Council. The Council meets virtually twice per year and in person at the National Leaders’ Forum.
Importance of Disclosure Statements
By Duane Rohne | Other articles by Duane Rohne
When buying or selling a condominium, disclosure statements play a crucial role in providing the buyer with relevant information about the property and the condominium corporation. Two sources of information for prospective buyers and sellers are from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Canadian Condominium Institute. Proper disclosure can also insulate both the seller and buyer from costly errors if disclosure is questioned.
The Advantages Of Condominium Living
By A.I. | Other articles by A.I.
Condominium living has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people are drawn to its many advantages. From the convenience of a smaller space to the affordability of shared amenities, there’s no denying that condominiums offer an attractive option for those looking for an urban living experience. In this article, we’ll explore the main advantages of condominium living and why it might be the perfect option for you. We’ll look at everything from the financial benefits to the lifestyle perks and more. So if you’re considering making a move to a condo, read on to learn all about the advantages that come with it.
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2025
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