Showing Articles from the category 'Feature'
Condos, Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations
By Duane Rohne | Other articles by Duane Rohne
As recently as 10 or 15 years ago, discussions about electric vehicles were restricted to car enthusiasts looking for the automotive world's newest innovation. However, the history of electric vehicles dates as far back as the mid-1800s. According to the US Department of Energy, American inventor William Morris developed the first successful and commercially available electric vehicle in the USA in the 1890s. Electric cars sold commercially from 1900 to 1912 accounted for one-third of all vehicles on the road in the USA. The success of Henry Ford's Model-T and the discovery of plentiful and cheap oil led to the electric vehicle's decline for several decades.
Team Building, TED Talks and Pandemics
By Alan Forbes | Other articles by Alan Forbes
How well does your Condominium Board work together? Communication is key to effective collaboration amongst the directors on your condo board. A lack of familiarity with each other because of personnel changes or because of the lack of in- person meetings during this pandemic can result in miscommunication and adversely affect board decisions and productivity. Condo boards should consider virtual team building sessions during the pandemic, even if it is just for getting together online for an informal discussion over a coffee.
National Report
By Alan Forbes | Other articles by Alan Forbes
Twice each year, CCI holds a National Leaders Forum (NLF) and conference, which provides an incredible learning opportunity for condo owners, condo directors, condo professionals and business partners. Since we are still suffering through the pandemic, this fall’s NLF was held virtually, Nov 4th - 7th (
Insurance and Slip/Fall Risk Mitigation
By Kathleen Vandale | Other articles by Kathleen Vandale
Condo Corporations have experienced rising insurance premiums over the past couple of years. As winter is upon us, most Winnipeggers are likely complaining about the weather and slippery conditions on roads, sidewalks and parking lots. Read on if you want to reduce potential slip and fall claims which could impact insurance premiums
Considering Energy Efficiency As Part Of The Reserve Fund Study (RFS) Process
By Melanie Chatfield | Other articles by Melanie Chatfield
Advocacy Update - Winnipeg Garbage Cuts Trashed
By CCI MB Communictions Committee | Other articles by CCI MB Communictions Committee
CCI Manitoba wants to thank all of you that helped out advocating against the proposed cuts to garbage pickup services for condominium corporations. It looks like our collective efforts got the job done - the City has backed away from the proposed cuts to services for multi-family properties.
By Martin Petras | Other articles by Martin Petras
Condominium Corporations and Property Managers are continually faced with the goal of maintaining reasonable and appropriate condominium fees while adhering to their responsibility to repair and replace common elements to an agreed upon standard.
Got TP? (Thoughts about resiliency planning)
By Alan Forbes | Other articles by Alan Forbes
Don’t worry; this is not an article about panicked buying and hoarding of toilet paper. Instead this is an article introducing the idea of resiliency planning. The hoarding of items such as toilet paper is a behavior resulting from panic, when you end up in circumstances for which you are unprepared. This panic related behavior could be mitigated through resiliency planning.
CCI MB Covid-19 Bulletin
By CCI MB Communications Committee | Other articles by CCI MB Communications Committee
We are in a pandemic situation and we all should be concerned about staying healthy and keeping safe. Condominium corporations should keep abreast of the quickly changing status of the Covid-19 pandemic and plan accordingly for their communities.
Covid-19 FAQ - Home and Auto Insurance
By Pam Pyke | Other articles by Pam Pyke
We are all experiencing a new way of life. One that involves social distancing, social isolation and frequent handwashing. Experiences that once seemed so mundane, like going to the grocery store can now seem fraught with peril. We live in interesting times...
Covid-19 and Elevator Etiquette for Staying Healthy
By Phil Jenkinson | Other articles by Phil Jenkinson
While many of us currently face restrictions to moving around our cities and the buildings in them, there are premises that need to stay operational, even in times of crisis. Hospitals are an obvious example of this: people and supplies must be able to move efficiently within and between floors at all times.
Condominium Reserve Fund Studies - The Next Steps
By Jim Nostedt, Alan Forbes | Other articles by Jim Nostedt, Alan Forbes
DO YOU KNOW ERIK? (Emergency Response Information Kit)
By Alan Forbes | Other articles by Alan Forbes
Are you familiar with E.R.I.K.®, which is the acronym for Emergency Response Information Kit, or en français T.I.S.U.® for trousse d'information sur les interventions d'urgence?
By Brian Shedden | Other articles by Brian Shedden
Ahh...the carefree condo lifestyle. That’s what is sold isn’t it? No more worries about maintenance, cutting the grass, fixing the roof, replacing the windows, servicing the furnace...sounds fantastic!
By Sarah Polson | Other articles by Sarah Polson
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2025
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