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CCI Membership Value Proposition
By CCI MB Membership Committee | Other articles by CCI MB Membership Committee | Feature
While it is easy to quantify the cost of a CCI membership (just go to our website, it is more difficult to quantify its value. First of all, not all members take advantage of all of the available benefits, so the value of a specific membership category will vary depending on the member. Secondly, some members are unaware that they are members. This happens most often with the unit owners of our condominium corporation members, with many unit owners receiving our quarterly newsletter but not knowing why - basically all unit owners of a member condo corporation are also members, and as such are entitled to all of the associated membership benefits. This also happens to a much lesser extent with our Business Partner memberships who can have a multitude of staff more or less engaged in condominium specific services.
To help you assess your own value of a CCI membership, here is the list of benefits. The following benefits are available to all members:
Access to exclusive member only content on website - podcasts, presentations & recordings; newsletter archive; forms and templates (note that login credentials are required; if you don’t know yours, just ask us at;
Reduced rates for CCI MB webinars and lunch-n-learns;
Reduced rates for CCI MB online courses for condo corporation directors;
CCI member rates for National and other Chapter events;
Complimentary snacks & beverages along with eligibility to vote at the CCI Manitoba Chapter’s AGM;
Eligibility to participate at the CCI National AGM;
Member rates for CCI National Leaders Forums and Conferences,and events put on by other CCI Chapters;
- The Manitoba Chapter Quarterly Newsletter, Condominium News and Views,;
- Networking opportunities to find new service providers, to ask questions of industry professionals, to find new clients or to make new acquaintances;
- Member Q&A - access the skills and experience of our directors and other members via email or at in-person events.
Business Partner and Professional members also benefit by being listed in our Business Partner and Professional directory, both on our website and in our newsletter, with visibility to over 150 CCs with more than 10,000 condo unit owners As well, they can take advantage of sponsorship opportunities to grow their business
As well, condo corporation directors can access the CondoSTRENGTH program... for Directors by Directors and all condo unit owners benefit from CCI’s advocacy efforts on issues such as proposed cuts to garbage & recycling service, introduction of inequitable waste diversion fees, regulating short term rentals, improvements to the Condo Act to allow electronic meetings and AGMs, just to mention the most recent examples.
We’d like to hear from you about your perception of your membership value. Do we have the balance right? Feel free to contact us at
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