CCI Manitoba Chapter News
May 4, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
COVID-19, Garbage Cuts and Lessons Learned
One of the things we’ve learned through the current Covid-19 pandemic and our recent advocacy against the City of Winnipeg’s proposed cuts to garbage service, is the we need to establish better communication links between you, our valued members, and us, your Manitoba Chapter of CCI.May 4, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
COVID-19 ̶ Home & Auto Insurance FAQ
We are all experiencing a new way of life. One that involves social distancing, social isolation and frequent handwashing. Experiences that once seemed so mundane, like going to the grocery store can now seem fraught with peril. May you live in interesting times...May 1, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
Join our Mail list Today!
Stay in the loop and join our E-mail list to get the latest updates on events and education offerings.April 20, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
Webinar Recording - CONDOS & COVID-19 - Friday, April 17, 2020
On April 17, 2020, CCI-Manitoba Chapter held its first webinar. The recording as well as as post webinar questions and answers cab be viewed by clicking on the "Details here" button.April 13, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
CCI-MB COVID-19 Bulletin 2020-04-13
We are in a pandemic situation and we all should be concerned about staying healthy and keeping safe. Condominium corporations should keep abreast of the quickly changing status of the Covid-19 pandemic and plan accordingly for their communities.March 12, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
Update - Winnipeg Garbage Cuts Trashed
CCI Manitoba wants to thank all of you that helped out advocating against the proposed cuts to garbage pickup services for condo corporations. It looks like our collective efforts got the job done - the City has backed away from the proposed cuts to services for multi-family properties.February 20, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
Condo owners group (CCI) wants Recommendation to end Garbage Pickup Trashed by City
Manitoba chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute says a city budget recommendation to cut garbage collection at some multi-family buildings should be trashed.February 20, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News
City Garbage Collection: No More Pickup?
CJOB Podcast: The Geoff Currier Show: February 20, 2020 at 11:00 am.February 18, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News