Topic Suggestions for the The Condominium Act − Suggestions for Improvement

CCI Manitoba is looking for your suggestions on how you think the new Condominium Act and Regulations could be improved! We are passing you the microphone and opening up the dialogue on how we might address general dissatisfaction from the condominium community about the “Big Brother” attitude some perceive in the new Condominium Act and Regulation. Some of the issues identified were around the parameters for dispensing with audited financial statements and who can prepare Reserve Fund Studies.

There may be room in the next 18 months or so to approach our newly elected government with a request for some tweaks to regulation. Please submit your suggestions; we will be making representations to government in the coming months if we discern a consensus on an issue. We continue to be the Voice of Condominiums.

Registration for this event is now closed.

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© 2024 CCI Manitoba Chapter
P.O. Box 48067 Lakewood PO, Winnipeg, MB R2J 4A3
Tel. 204-794-1134 Email