CCI Manitoba Chapter News

December 27, 2022 - CCI Manitoba News

Regulating Short-Term Rentals (STRs) in Winnipeg

Regulations for short term rentals (STRs) was on the agenda for Winnipeg's Executive Policy Committee (EPC) during their December 7th meeting. The minutes, recording and written submissions are available on the City Clerk's Office Decision Making Information System (DMIS)

EPC's recommendation is shown below and includes an extension of 60 days for the Public Service to complete their work. Also worth noting is the creation of the Manitoba Association of Short-Term Rental Owners Inc., which is highlighted in one of the written submissions along with their own "Five (and only 5) Simple Recommendations for Regulation" (excerpt below).


The Executive Policy Committee granted an extension of time of up to 60 days for the Winnipeg Public Service to report back on the following:

  1. Solicit feedback from the general public, stakeholders, and elected officials on their experiences with short-term rentals, and on potential regulatory solutions, and that the public engagement be funded from existing resources within Planning, Property, and Development.

  2. Propose amendments to the Accommodation Tax By-Law No. 70/2008 to include short- term rental accommodations in the collection and remittance of the Accommodation Tax.

  3. Review the Toronto licensing and registration model for short-term rentals for application in Winnipeg and implement the requirement for a primary residence as a requirement for the operation of a short-term rental.

  4. Provide recommendations for a licensing framework that considers fire, safety, land-use, and other requirements.

  5. Develop, in co-ordination with the Winnipeg Police Service and the UN Women Safe Cities Global Initiative Steering Committee, information on Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking for owners of short-term rentals, similar to what is available from the City of Toronto.

  6. Identify any associated staffing, resource, and cost implications; and provide a schedule for implementation, including a timeline for the drafting of any required by-laws or amendments.

  7. Review Business taxes as an additional taxation model for application to short-term rentals.

Manitoba Association of Short-Term Rental Owners - Five (and only 5) Simple Recommendations for Regulation:

1-Tax: Bring in the accommodation taxes! (That kinda sounds like a teenager telling their parents to ground them for their own good, doesn’t it?) Taxes brings a higher awareness to what we offer in tourism for our area. This is badly needed money funneling into our city! We are happy to help fix the road we all drove in here on today.

2-Licensing: A license should be required to operate a short-term rental in Winnipeg and this license number be visible on all advertisements and inside the residence to anyone entering the building. License should not be transferrable from person to person or property to property. One license per house. License be $100 per year for a primary residence listing and $200 per property for a secondary residence listing. $1000 fine for operating a short term rental without a valid or current license. No cap on the number of listings to be held as secondary residences, nor cap on number of nights rented either for primary residence listings or secondary residence listings.

3-Fire Prevention Inspection: Hard-wired inter-connected smoke alarms and a carbon monoxide detectors. This should be to the same standard that is expected in a long-term rental.

4-Neighbourhood Harmony: Provision of (1) off-street parking space for each 4 guests the listing accommodates will be required. Establish clear “house rules” for guests such as quiet hours to avoid noise and disruptions, especially at night. Mine and many other properties use a noise decibel monitoring system. All short-term rentals should be equipped with video surveillance systems at all entrances.

5-Criminal Background Check (including Child Abuse Registry) – should be standard for all hosts.


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