CCI Manitoba Chapter News

July 16, 2020 - CCI Manitoba News

Covid and Common Elements: PM Letter to Unit Owners

This is a copy of an email received by one of our member condo corporations from their property manager. Permission to publish was provided to CCI Manitoba but with a request of anonymity.  It was sent to the unit owners as the lockdown requirements started to ease. Since we are all concerned about the looming second wave of the pandemic, it would be good to review the thoroughness of the communication, as we’ll likely have to send out emails like this again

Subject: COVID-19 Updates and Changes

Good Afternoon,

Just wanted to send out a couple of friendly reminders and some additional updates for all residents:

We understand that this is a difficult time as there are so many uncertainties and changes each and every day. We understand the frustrations that you are experiencing and the additional stress that COVID-19 is presenting to you and your family. 

We strongly encourage all residents continue to adhere to the recommendations and policies put in place from the federal, provincial governments and the world health organizations. We respectfully request that those residents who are returning from travelling or that have been in contact with individuals that have travelled or who tested COVID positive, to please stay in isolation for the mandatory 14 days. At no time should you be in the common areas or outside on the property, regardless if others are present. This is crucial for your health and safety and to the health and safety of all residents in the buildings.

We remind all residents to please do your part to be respectful to your neighbours and the property at all times. This includes following all social distancing policies and recommendations, following the recycling and garbage policies, ensuring that your pets are leashed in the common areas and not left unattended for extended periods. All pets must be cleaned up after. For those residents that are following these rules, we thank you and appreciate your cooperation in these matters.

Cleaners: The cleaners that clean the buildings will continue to use stronger chemicals to disinfect the buildings, common area doors, entry panels, handles, mailboxes, elevators etc. We cannot increase services as the cleaners are simply not available. Any extra time is devoted to hospitals, health care service, and emergency services. Maintenance or onsite managers will be disinfecting the common area doors, handles, elevator, entry panels, mailboxes etc. on the week days that the cleaners are not at the building but it is still very important for all residents to do their part for their health and safety. Please refer to the attachments for recommendations.

COVID-19: Updates, reminders and notices are still required to be posted at the buildings and cannot be removed. I have attached all posters that should remain posted at the property for your reference.

Lounge Usage: Please be advised that we are in the process of getting all the new requirements in place so that the lounges in the buildings can be reopened. As of Monday, June 1, 2020 all lounges will be opened and residents can start using the rooms. The following restrictions apply and must be adhered to: anyone in the lounge has to practice social distancing and remain 2 meters or 6 feet apart at all times. If your lounge has a pool table this cannot be used until further notice. All pool cues and balls have been removed from the lounges. It is a requirement that hand sanitizer must be provided and stay in the lounge or the lounge cannot remain open. As hand sanitizer is on limited supply, we respectfully request that all residents use the hand sanitizer as soon as they enter the lounge and refrain from over usage to be fair to all residents. If you notice the hand sanitizer has been removed from the lounge or is empty please contact our office as soon as possible so we can replace it. Please see the attached lounge rules and regulations for your reference.

Gym Usage: Please be advised that we are in the process of getting all the new requirements in place so that the gym in the building can be reopened. As of Monday June 8, 2020 all gyms will be opened and residents can start using them. The following restrictions apply and must be adhered to: anyone in the gym has to practice social distancing and remain 2 meters or 6 feet apart at all times. No more than 2 residents are permitted to be in the gym at one time, regardless if you live in the same unit. However, if you cannot follow the social distancing parameters at all times then only 1 resident is permitted at a time. (This will depend on the size of the gym in your building) Hand sanitizer must be provided and stay in the gym or the gym cannot remain open. As hand sanitizer is in limited supply, we respectfully request that all residents use the hand sanitizer as soon as they enter the gym and refrain from over usage to be fair to all residents. If you notice the hand sanitizer has been removed from the gym or empty please contact our office as soon as possible so we can replace it. All residents are responsible to wipe down all gym equipment after usage with the cleaning supplies that are located in the gym.

*Please note that if these requirements implemented from the Provincial Government are not followed and adhered to, that we will have to close these amenities. We strongly recommend for the health and safety of all residents in the building that you take these precautions and follow these guidelines. These amenities are for all residents to enjoy but must be used responsibly.

Deliveries to the Building: As a necessary precaution for the health and safety of all residents and in an effort to reduce the number of non-residents at the building, we still encourage and strongly recommend that any deliveries such as Door Dash, Hello Fresh, Skip the Dishes, Amazon, Online Shopping, Groceries etc.; be picked up at the front door to the building by the resident. When these companies buzz or call you that they are at the building, rather than let them in to come to your unit door we ask that each resident meet the delivery person outside of the front door and bring your items up on your own. This will eliminate extra exposure to all residents in the building.

Essential Services: Emergency Services, Medical Staff, Home Care, Cleaners, Real Estate Services, Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire and Safety and various other trades will still be attending the buildings but are complying with social distancing and the recommendations and policies put in place from the federal, provincial governments and the world health organizations.

Communication: Please note that our office is still closed to the public, and we have limited our staff to mostly working remotely. We are still here to assist you by phone and email. We ask that you please keep in mind, we are experiencing higher call volumes and emails due to the COVID-19. Response times may be a little slower than normal as our work load has doubled

Please let us know if you require any additional information and we will do our best to assist you. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this challenging time.

Again, thanks so much for your patience and understanding, take care and stay safe and healthy!

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© 2025 CCI Manitoba Chapter
P.O. Box 48067 Lakewood PO, Winnipeg, MB R2J 4A3
Tel. 204-794-1134 Email