CCI Manitoba Chapter News
City of Winnipeg budget set to increase sewer and water rates
The City of Winnipeg budget process is potentially going to significantly impact sewer and water rates starting April 1, 2025. For those Winnipeg condominium corporations (WCCs) that pay the sewer and water bill, the rate increases are likely higher than you budgeted.
On March 10, 2025 sewer and water rates are on the meeting agenda for the Standing Policy Committee on Water, Waste and Environment Regular Meeting Agenda — have a look at page 2 of item 2.
"The proposed sewer volume rate increases on average by 35 percent over the three years compared to the currently approved rate schedule that averages eight percent."
There is talk of softening the impact for this year but fundamentally, money is needed for the north-end sewage plant upgrades and to address the problems with the combined sewer system throughout much of the City. That said, continuing to take a dividend from the sewer and water utility and put it into general revenue is a policy that should be questioned.