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President's Report - Fall 2021

By Maureen Hancharyk | Other articles by Maureen Hancharyk | Regular Column

Welcome to Fall, my favourite time of year, so why does it still feel like summer? The geese are practising I hope and will not leave for a long while yet. The leaves are turning and the fall colours are beautiful and as I write this report on a sunny and warm day in the first week of October, the grass is still green and the temperature is expected to be 29 degrees today. What a blessing! October is a time for giving thanks.....thanks for our family, friends, our health and how blessed we are to live in Manitoba.

This is my final President and Chapter report. I have been a Board member of CCI, Manitoba Chapter for the past nine years and I have served as President for the last six years. I have enjoyed every moment and while I will continue on the Board as the Past President, it is time for me to step down and allow someone else the opportunity to serve in the role of President. As I write this report, the election of officers at the October Board meeting is two weeks away, so stay tuned.

Serving as the President of CCI, Manitoba Chapter has been such a wonderful experience, meeting so many of our members, both provincially and nationally. I’ve enjoyed the many events over the years whether in person or on Zoom, although I must admit, the in person meetings were a lot more fun. Hopefully we will be able to meet again in person in the very near future. The Presidents Forums have been particularly interesting for me because I too am a condominium owner and a Board President at my own condominium corporation.

I have gained so much knowledge about condominiums, the issues and the ways in which we can all help and support each other in the condominium community. The opportunity to network and learn from each other, our Professional Members and Business Partners, as well as our condominium owners and corporation directors, has been so gratifying and so much fun. And those of you who know me well, know that my motto is “if it isn’t fun, it isn’t worth doing”?

I’ve really enjoyed being the face and voice of CCI, Manitoba Chapter as I responded to emails and phone calls listening to members' concerns, and assisting them in finding solutions. Just today, a condominium corporation Board president called me to discuss an issue and was so happy to hear what I recommended and said ”I’m so glad CCI is there to respond to my questions”. We are happy to be there for our members as well.

I have made many friends along the way as well. So while I'm not really going anywhere as I will continue on the CCI Board of Directors, I do need to thank everyone for allowing me to serve in the role of President for these past six years. It has been a wonderful experience and I really have enjoyed it so much!

Many thanks to the CCI, Manitoba Chapter Board of Directors and to Millanne Baxter and Aesia Desrosiers, our Chapter Administrators not only for your support but also for all of your assistance. I am so grateful to all of you for helping me carry out my duties and responsibilities as President. You are all “simply the best”!

Thanks to all CCI members for your support, whether I’ve met you at a CCI event or in the grocery store, or talked with you on the phone or by email or even if you enjoy my reports, thank you, thank you, thank you!

And now onto the report. Our CCI Board of Directors met on September 9th at our first Board meeting of the fiscal year. The committees had all met prior to the Board meeting and shared their ideas for the upcoming year. AGM preparations were also finalized.

The AGM was held virtually on September 23rd and attendance was up over last year's first virtual AGM, so it seems we are all getting used to this method of meeting. We do anticipate that in the future we may have to do hybrid meetings and webinars as some really have enjoyed not having to attend an in person meeting while others are so looking forward to meeting face to face again.

The Board of Directors did make a decision to get together as a group in person at the AGM while the members attended virtually. We so appreciated getting together as a Board and to meet in person for the first time in over a year. New Board members were elected at our 2020 virtual AGM, so it was the first time some of us had the opportunity to meet each other in person. We are preparing, if all goes well, to meet again in person for our Board meetings, starting in October.

At the AGM, there were five positions open for election and seven candidates. Thanks to all those who put their names forward. Re-elected to the Board of Directors are myself, Duane Rohne and Alan Reiss and newly elected are Kirsten Bishop and Eric Hrycyk. Congratulations to Kirsten and Eric. We look forward to working with you, and know that you will bring some great new ideas and fresh perspectives to our Board of Directors.

Thanks to all candidates who let their name stand. We encourage you to submit your names at a future election and in the meantime to perhaps join one of our committees as a non-director volunteer. All members of CCI are encouraged to submit their names to serve on a CCI Manitoba Chapter committee.

Lori Ricard who served for at least fifteen years on our Board of Directors and with the exception of last year served as Treasurer for all of those years is not returning to the Board of Directors. We wish Lori well and cannot thank her enough for her commitment to CCI. We know that Lori will continue to support us and we hope to see her at future events.

Patricia Salam is also not returning to the Board of Directors and we thank her for her dedication to CCI and her hard work. Patricia was always the first to volunteer for a task. Again, we are hopeful that Patricia will continue working with us as a volunteer.

At our next scheduled meeting, we will elect the officers, the committees and chairpersons. This information will be posted on our website and will be included in future newsletters.

And so instead of saying, “until next time” I will say how proud I am that I have been able to serve the condominium community as your President and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

MAUREEN HANCHARYK, President Manitoba Chapter

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