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Committee Year End Reports

By CCI Board | Other articles by CCI Board | Regular Column


This past year, the Communications and Membership Committees were merged to form a single committee. This new committee is tasked with increasing both the membership of CCI-Manitoba, as well as the Chapter’s outreach to the greater condominium community.

We are constantly on the lookout for avenues to grow the name recognition of CCI-Manitoba as the source for condominium education, resources and networking. We also want to make sure we are organizing events that are fun and valuable to our members, which is why we spent the tail end of the 2019 fiscal year planning CCI-Manitoba’s first Condos & Cold Ones which will take place on Tuesday, August 13 at Stone Angel Brewing. It will be an opportunity for members to mingle and to introduce potential new members to CCI-Manitoba while enjoying one of our local craft breweries! Space is limited so if you are interested, please register on the CCI-Manitoba website. Your first drink is on us!

If you have any tips or suggestions for us on outreach or how we can add value to your membership, we want to hear from you!

I would like to thank the Committee members: Jane Lecours, Sue Gagne, Debbie Buckingham and our non-Board member volunteer, Lou Anna Roberts, for their hard work and contributions this year.

Thank you.



Another year of LNL, courses and events have ended for the summer. The Education Committee has created an exciting list of topics and speakers for the upcoming 2019/20 educational year. A copy of the LNL and courses are listed in the newsletter while other events are still being planned in order to meet the needs of all CCI Members.

Our CondoSTRENGTH event held at Royal Oak Gardens was well attended and the Success Stories shared by fellow board directors were well received and can be found on the website. Board directors helping board directors is the key to the program and we look forward working with the next Condominium Corporation that would like to host an event.

On behalf of the Education Committee have a great summer and we thank you for your ongoing support, suggestions and enthusiasm at our events. We look forward to seeing you in September and wishing you a wonderful and safe summer.

Education Chair, CondoSTRENGTH Team Leader


CCI Manitoba expects to finish the year with a deficit, as we did not meet our revenue targets. The deficit will be funded by our accumulated surplus from prior years. The board has decided not to implement a membership fee increase for the upcoming year ending June 30, 2020. However, due to increasing costs and our desire to provide increased services and benefits to our membership, the board may consider increasing membership fees for 2021.

LORI RICARD, Treasurer Finance Chair


It has been an exciting new adventure over the past year. The new AGM/Sponsorship Committee has been busy planning the 2019 AGM and is coming to the end of its first year.

The 2019 AGM is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 2019 at the Gateway to the Arctic Building at the Assiniboine Zoo. Parking is free and there is no charge to attend. Space is limited, so please register at

This is a member only event. However, if you are a condominium owner and your corporation is a member; you are a member also.

The event will include a report on what CCI MB has been working on over the past year. It will also be an opportunity to network and meet other condo directors, owners and a contractor or two.

With the help from our generous sponsors, especially HUB International, we have been able to provide refreshments, hors d’oeuvres, prizes and a gorgeous event space.

Upcoming, the AGM/Sponsorship Committee will be looking at creating more opportunities for our business partners and as a result provide more services to our condominium community.

If you are a service supplier to condominiums and interested in opportunities to participate, sponsor and network, please contact us by emailing

KRISTA CORLEY, Chair AGM/Sponsorship Committee


CCI Manitoba Government Relations Committee Report Over the last year, our focus has been on examining The Condominium Act, re-enacted and proclaimed effective February1, 2015. We have sought member input as to what works and what does not. The good news is that we have received very little negative input. By and large, the new act seems to be working well. Some of the areas where we thought there would be pushback, such as mandatory reserve fund studies, have actually met with general acceptance and, indeed, approval. We have seen many corporations ramping up reserve fund savings and , while many corporations' funds are still far below their ideal balance as set out in the reserve fund study, some are approaching the ideal balance and many corporations are now confident that they will be able to manage capital replacement projects without the need for special assessments. One area where there appears to be the need for change relates to audited financial statements. Currently, the exemption from the need for audited statements focuses around size, as measured by the number of units. Corporations having fewer thatn 10 units can, if all owners consent, dispense with audited financials. While this exemption is good, there may also be a need for an exemption based on another criterion of size, namely amount of the corporation's budget. Some corporations, which because of their nature, provide very few services and have limited budgets, find themselves paying 10% or more of their annual expenditures on obtaining an audit. It may be that a further exemption, based on an annual budget of $100,000.00 or less, would be appropriate. On the topic of audits as well, while most lawyers and CPAs agree that a "review engagement" financial statement would satisfy the requirement for an audit, this matter is not entirely clear and clarification in the legislation would be helpful. Another area where we have received feedback is the requirement that an annual general meeting must be held within 6 months of a corporation's fiscal year end. While timely reporting to owners is, of course, always a good goal, some corporations are having difficulty getting their audited financial statements in time. Perhaps 9 months would be a better deadline. Another issue that continues to worry some CCI members is dispute resolution. Some members are concerned that the only way to achieve certainty around some issues appears to be application to the Court, a process that is expensive and time consuming. A number of members have expressed the wish that there were an authority that could resolve disputes between corporations and their members or between condominium neighbours without the need forCourt action. Both Ontario and British Columbia have recently enacted legislation that sets up condominium authorities that can settle disputes at a low cost and without the need to involve lawyers. While Manitoba is a much smaller jurisdiction than either Ontario or British Columbia and our government has not yet signalled that it is willing to deploy resources toward establishing the infrastructure needed to support such an authority, perhaps it is time to signal to government that this should be a priority. CCI Manitoba welcomes further input from its members. If you have any concerns about how The Condominium Act works, please let us know.

ROB GIESBRECHT, Chair Government Relations Committee


I have just completed my first year as the chair for the Newsletter committee. It has been both challenging and rewarding. I have watched the newsletter evolve over the many years that it has been in publication under the care of Pamela Pyke and Jane Lecours who are former chairs. It is because of them and their dedication to the CCI that the News and Views has become the magazine it is today. Members have told me many times that they look forward to the publications and have stated that they find the information valuable and informative.

As a committee, our commitment is to look to incorporate new, fresh and relevant articles of what is happening now in the condominium communities.

Some of the changes we have made this year is the committee has adopted an ad policy as it pertains to advertisements in the newsletters. The Policy states:

1) The newsletter committee reserves the right to reject any advertising and/or articles they believe are not in keeping with the publication’s standards.

2) Articles or advertising deemed to be promoting services in competition with CCI will not be accepted. 3) A single ad may not be used to advertise more than one member.

The committee has introduced a draw for those that submit “I love My Condo” article for publication. At the end of every year all submissions will be entered into a draw and the winner will be presented with a $100.00 Visa gift card. If you would like to submit, “I Love My Condo” article for publication or would like more information regarding it please contact us.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my amazing committee members Alan Forbes, Pamela Pyke, Jane Lecours, Maureen Hancharyk and the dedicated Deniz Fraas, the Chapter administrator, who all provide support and help to ensure that the newsletter gets out. I would also like to extend my thanks to our business partners, board members, and condominium owners for their contributions to the newsletters. Without them, the newsletter would not be as great as it is.

SUE GAGNE, Chair Newsletter Committee


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P.O. Box 48067 Lakewood PO, Winnipeg, MB R2J 4A3
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