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Year-end Committee Reports - Summer 2022
By Committee Chairs | Other articles by Committee Chairs | Regular Column
The following reports summarize the accomplishments of CCI Manitoba’s Committees from the past year and summarizes the plans for the coming year. Note that you need not be a CCI Board Member to join one of our committees. If you are interested in volunteering for one of our committees, please email us at
The AGM/Sponsorship Committee is responsible for arranging the AGM and campaigning for sponsorships. Sponsorship is an extremely important part for any non-profit organization. It is the financial support for events such as AGM’s, Webinars and Lunch & Learns and it helps to keep membership and events affordable. In addition, it also increases awareness for our Professional and Business partners by promoting their company at events including the CCI website, Eblasts as well as AGM’s. Their sponsorship also allows them to successfully network at any particular in person event.
This year our AGM, September 22, 2022 will be in person at Fort Gibraltar with a Halloween Theme, so start planning your fantastic costume ideas! We will have entertainment, games, and prizes. If you would like to sponsor our AGM please reach out to our committee members or Aesia our CCI Administrator.
We are always looking for volunteers for our committee, if you are interested in volunteering, please contact CCI Manitoba Chapter to learn more.
I would like to thank the Committee members: Kathleen Vandale and Phil Jenkinson for their hard work, dedication and contributions.
CONNIE DAME Committee Chair
This Committee was re-formulated at our first Board meeting after the AGM in September 2021. Our first task was to define our terms of reference so that we could focus on our objectives so as to avoid over-committing and under-delivering. Our Committee objective are as follows:
Improve member engagement, via whatever tools appropriate, such as the newsletter, website and social media.
and the condominium marketplace in particular and society in general.
solutions, provide advice if possible, and direct them to our Professional and Business Partner members when appropriate.
We have made good progress during the year. To address our first objective, improved member engagement, we’ve started using social media to provide more timely content, we’ve started publishing our newsletter as an online article library to make the content more accessible to mobile device users, and we have set up an email address for members to contact the Communications Committee directly to provide feedback and to pose questions -
As to our second objective we constantly strive to make the newsletter interesting and informative. As to the relevancy aspect, we have done a number of articles, E-blasts and social media posts in regards to our advocacy efforts for regulating short term rentals in WInnipeg and providing condo owner feedback for the proposed City of Winnipeg multi-family waste diversion fee.
For our third objective, consistent use of CCI’s brand, we have been incorporating CCI’s 40th anniversary logo throughout our organization. As well, we’ve been working on our brand awareness by providing complimentary newsletter copies to all Provincial politicians and to most municipal politicians that have condominiums in their jurisdictions..
For the fourth objective, we have been working on improving our responses to member inquiries. As is the case for many volunteer based organizations, it is sometimes difficult to provide timely and effective responses to member inquiries. Many of our directors have busy careers and all of us have family and other volunteer commitments. We are aspiring though to build a better process to handle member inquiries.
The Committee has worked diligently throughout the year - in particular I would like to thank John Popowich, Duane Rohne and Alan Reiss for their recurring contributions to the newsletter, Alan Reiss, Duane Rohne and Alex Abraham for their suggestions for social media posts, Maureen Hancharyk for her newsletter contributions and words of encouragement, Kathleen Vandale for insurance focused content,Aesia Desrosiers for her tireless efforts help me out and working with our designer and printer, and lastly Pam Pyke for her proofreading skills.
ALAN FORBES Committee Chair
This is a relatively new Committee, struck in the winter of 2021 with a mandate to ensure we have an adequate number of suitable candidates to fill the five Board positions that open up each year at our AGM. Our first year 2021 was a success in that we had enough candidates for the open positions such that we had to hold an election as part of our AGM. Afterwards, we solicited feedback from all of the candidates and conducted a lessons learned analysis, which was then supplied to the 2022 Committee.
In the March 2022 Board Meeting Duane Rohne and Connie Dame volunteered to manage the Nomination Committee for the upcoming AGM in September of 2022.
The committee communicated with all five directors that currently are on the CCI Manitoba Chapter Board that are up for re- election in 2022. Four of five current Directors have agreed to put forth their name for re-election at the September 2022 AGM. Philip Jenkinson has decided not to run for re-election.
Two people have been identified and seriously considering putting their names forward for election to the Board of Directors. We have spoken with both candidates in the past month.
In early August we will follow up with a package to all candidates for the director positions.
This Committee was formed during our December 2021 Board meeting, primarily to address two issues of interest to members in the City of Winnipeg, notably the lack of regulations and problems associated with short term rentals (STRs) and the proposed multi-family waste diversion (MFWD) fee. We started by establishing the terms of reference for the committee at which time we identified two other issues of interest - concerns about structural integrity of multi-family housing in light of the collapse of the Champlain Towers condo in Florida in June 2021, and a persistent issue of property tax fairness for multifamily residential properties.
We’ve been very active on the issues of STR regulations and MFWD fees during the past year, with articles in each of our quarterly newsletters and frequent posts to social media. As well, we’ve had discussions with City of Winnipeg Council members and with City staff. With the help of our membership, we were able to get the proposed MFWD fee postponed until a future fiscal year, which should provide us time to ensure condo owner input is considered in the setting of the fee. While the STR issue has been circulating through the City Hall process with no resolution to date, it is hoped that recommendations will be made to Council in the fall with with Council consideration in the winter and hopefully implementation sooner than later in 2023.
The other two issues identified have received much less attention. On the issue of condo structural integrity, we have approached Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and their Public Interest Review Committee for their input prior to us formally initiating any activity. As to the property tax fairness issues, we unsuccessfully pursued this in 2015 but in light of the continuing pandemic and the Provincial election in 2023, we decided not to initiate any new activity until the end of next year or later.
I’d like to thank the Committee members for their hard work - Maureen Hancharyk, Duane Rohne, Betty Johnstone and John Popowich, along with our administrator Aesia Desrosiers, plus our other Board members that made important contributions Kirsten Bishop, Eric Hrycyk and Doug Forbes.
ALAN FORBES Committee Chair
It has been a great year being on the CCI Board! We have meet in person and have continued doing hybrid meetings as well. A great group to be a part of!
CCI membership fees have changed. Individual memberships are now $50 and the condo corporations depending on unit count have been changed as well. We feel the new fee structure helps accommodate the smaller corporations as well. There were cost savings with no travel costs but did invest in new social platforms to continue to provide CCI Lunch ‘n’ Learns and programming platforms for the new courses.
I am looking forward to the new year with many new condominiums joining CCI. Such added value with the condo introductory course now available and we are working on the CCI 200 course. We will continue to provide the Lunch ‘n’ Learns virtually and hopefully in person as well.
The CCI board of directors continues to work hard to provide value to all their members!
AUDREY HARDER Committee Chair
The Education Committee is responsible for offering webinars and Lunch & Learns to the condominium communities. Our goal is to support our members with resources that enhance their knowledge and understanding of condo living.
The past couple of years has been a challenge working through the pandemic for everyone. Our first and most important news is that we have launched the CCI Introductory Course for our members. We received great feedback from our members who have taken the course and we will be implementing some minor changes to improve the course.
Our next priority is to work on the CCI 200 course to provide a more in depth education to the condominium communities. We are looking forward to resuming in person Lunch & Learns in October, we will offer both webinars and in person Lunch & Learns moving forward. If you have any suggestions on topics that you would like to learn about, we would love to hear from you.
We are always looking for volunteers for our committee, if you are interested in volunteering please contact CCI Manitoba Chapter to learn more.
I would like to thank the Committee members: Carl Dalton, Audrey Harder, Kathleen Vandale, Alan Reiss, Eric Hrycyk and Nathalie Kleinschmit, for their hard work, dedication and contributions.
CONNIE DAME Committee Chair
The Membership Committee was moved to its own standalone committee. Previously the committee was part of the Newsletter and Communications Committee; this action was completed during the October of 2021 Board Meeting.
The Membership Committee submitted their Terms of Reference to the Board in the board meeting of June 2022, the same was adopted. The Membership Committee submitted four initiatives:
Continue early membership renewal and membership referral initiatives for 3 more years (2025) to determine the effectiveness of the initiative.
Establish a Management Advisory Committee for implementation in 2022.
Actively review membership trends, rates, and renewals.
Implement a new membership fee structure to improve accessibility for small CC’s and individual members
As of this date, initiatives #1, #3 and #4 are continuing or completed. The remaining initiative, development of a management advisory committee is moving forward. Further development is required with its first meeting expected after the CCI September AGM.
The fourth initiative, implementing a new membership fee structure is complete and adopted for the 2022/23 membership renewal period that began in July of 2022.
Saying thank you to the committee members Alan Forbes, Doug Forbes, John Popowich and the CCI administrative assistant, Aesia Desrosiers seems grossly insufficient recognition for their time and assistance; alas thanks to each of you for your contributions.
DUANE ROHNE Committee Chair
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