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President's Report - Summer 2021
By Maureen Hancharyk | Other articles by Maureen Hancharyk | Regular Column
As I write this report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, I am amazed at how time flies, especially during a pandemic. They say “time flies when you’re having fun”, and I guess now we can say “time flies during a pandemic”. Most of us have not travelled nor gone to our workplaces or visited with friends and family, but yet, we have adapted and we are getting through it. Challenging and definitely unprecedented! And what lies ahead? Hope and promise, but still lots of uncertainty. Whatever the future holds, we know that we can adapt and we can get through it. We have learned so much and there is much to be grateful for.
In this edition you will find year-end reports from all of our CCI, Manitoba Chapter committees and a sneak peek at upcoming events for 2021-2022.
In preparing for this year end report I perused the 2020-2021 editions of this incredible newsletter and I use the word “incredible” because I believe that it is first rate and very professional and it is entirely put together by our volunteers, Board members, non-Board members, administrators, advertisers and contributors. Bravo!
The editions of this past year and the themes of each newsletter were all hopeful. In fact, one year ago our Summer 2020 edition was titled “The Slow Return To Normal”. We can all attest to the fact that the return to normal is much slower than anyone ever could have anticipated in these unprecedented times. When I read through the newsletter editions of this past year, the challenges were always at the forefront, but so too was the positivity, the many successes and what we all learned from living, working and adapting during a pandemic.
Multiple Zoom meetings, podcasts and webinars, meeting the educational needs of our membership, growing our membership, lobbying our Provincial Government for legislation in order to hold our Annual General Meetings virtually, answering our members many questions about what the public health orders might mean in their condominiums, the list goes on and on. And not just pandemic issues, but arising topics of electric vehicles, short-term rentals and the ever increasing condominium insurance rates.
One of our first challenges last fall was in filling vacancies on our CCI, Manitoba Chapter Board of Directors.This was made much more difficult than previous years because we could not meet face to face with potential candidates and as well, elections had to take place at the first ever CCI, Manitoba Chapter virtual AGM. We were so pleased to have a full slate of candidates and to welcome to our Board of Directors, Carl Dalton, Audrey Harder, Phil Jenkinson, Matt Jerome, Alan Reiss, Duane Rohne, and Patricia Salam. Each and everyone of them have brought so much to CCI and we can’t thank them enough for sharing their wisdom, experience and expertise. They joined Connie Dame, Delaney Vun, Lori Ricard, Doug Forbes, John Popowich, Kathleen Vandale and Alan Forbes who all continued to share their skills, knowledge, talents and commitment to CCI. Thanks to all of you. I continue to be inspired by each and every one of you. I have learned so much by being a part of this great organization. Thanks also to Petr Kos and Pamela Pyke who served as non Board member volunteers on CCI committees.
Our AGM will be held virtually again this year on September 23, 2021, at 7 pm. If easing of restrictions allow meetings to be held face to face by the scheduled date, there may be an opportunity for some to attend virtually and others to attend an in-person meeting. We will keep you posted.
Elections are held annually at the AGM and I would encourage condominium owners, business partners and professional members to put their names forward. It is a very rewarding experience. For those members who are not interested in standing for election to the Board of Directors but may be interested in participating on one of our CCI committees, please let us know. We encourage and welcome non-Board member volunteers.
CCI, Manitoba Chapter bylaws allow for fifteen directors of which every year, five terms expire. The term for a Board Director is three years. Board Orientation takes place following the AGM and before the next scheduled Board meeting. The Board meets monthly from September to June and all Board members are strongly encouraged to participate on at least one CCI, Manitoba Chapter Committee. Team Building sessions are also held annually in order to allow newly elected CCI Board members to transition into the role and be welcomed to the team.
The CCI, Manitoba Chapter Board of Directors held our Annual Team Building session virtually in mid-December last year. The facilitator did a great job of engaging the Board, assisting with some strategic planning and including a virtual wine and cheese get together at the end of the session. Another testament to adapting and embracing challenges.
Many thanks to the Executive Committee, John Popowich, Vice President, Patricia Salam, Secretary and Audrey Harder, Treasurer. With the exception of myself, all of them are new to the Executive Committee and I thank them for putting their names forward. The role of the Executive Committee is to assist the President with the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the Chapter and they have done a great job. The Executive Committee also acts as the CCI Finance Committee.
Many thanks to Millanne Baxter, Chapter Administrator and her assistant Aesia Desrosiers, without whom none of our work would be possible.
CCI, Manitoba Chapter Committees have done exceptional work. It goes without saying that I have already expressed my sincere gratitude for the newsletter. Many thanks to Alan Forbes, our Newsletter Chairperson and to his committee, Duane Rohne, Alan Reiss, Kathleen Vandale and Pamela Pyke. Much hard work goes into the quarterly newsletter, and while one edition is at the printers, the next edition is already being planned.
The Education Committee has brought all of us outstanding webinars this past year. Many thanks to Connie Dame, the Education Chairperson, Carl Dalton who assumed the role of moderator and to John Popowich who acted as the speaker liaison. Patricia Salam and Alan Reiss also made significant contributions to the committee.
The Education Committee has been hard at work developing online courses for members which will be launched in the very near future. They have also developed an Education Plan for 2021-2022 which includes some exciting topics, and, as if they didn’t have enough work, the Committee is planning on developing a Property Managers online course as well as an Appreciation event for members once we can all gather again.
The Communication and Membership Committee, chaired currently by Duane Rohne and previously chaired by Delaney Vun, took on new challenges this year with a member survey and incentives to increase membership. Many thanks to Delaney and Duane and the committee members, Alan Forbes, Lori Ricard and Patricia Salem.
The Government Relations Committee co-chaired by Doug Forbes and Delaney Vun and committee members, Petr Kos, Matt Jerome and Carl Dalton took on many tasks this year in developing policies on several current CCI issues. Thanks to all of you for keeping on top of the issues and we look forward to the outcomes.
The Sponsorship and AGM Committee chaired by Connie Dame and consisting of Kathleen Vandale, Patricia Salem and Matt Jerome not only plan the AGM but also seek sponsorship for our many events as well as our yearly sponsorship opportunities. Great job.
Our newly formed Nominating Committee has been hard at work developing succession planning initiatives and keeping a roster of potential candidates for election to the CCI Board as well as potential candidates for executive positions on the Board of Directors. Thanks to Alan Forbes, Chairperson and members, John Popowich and Phil Jenkinson.
An ad hoc committee was also struck to liaise with the Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board (WRREB). This is something we at CCI have tried to get going over many years. The discussions were great and many thanks to Alan Reiss for making this happen. We have held discussions about developing and hosting a webinar with the WRREB in the interest of educating our respective members about many of our common condominium issues.
Condominium sales hit a new record in sales this past May here in Winnipeg and it is an opportune time to liaise with realtors.
Another ad hoc committee met to take on the issue of short term rentals which has been very newsworthy of late. For now, the issue has been referred to the Government Relations Committee to consider the development of a policy and to make suggestions about educating our members on the topic.
A President’s Forum was held on zoom in December 2020 and was well attended considering the format and that numbers had to be restricted to allow for good discussion. This has always been a very popular event and we are hopeful that we can gather again in the upcoming fiscal year as in person meetings work so much better for this CCI event. If condo corporation members were surveyed, I’m sure they would all agree that not being able to network face to face with other condominium owners and Board Directors is one of the negatives of the pandemic.
Alan Forbes took on the role of National Chairperson and has done an outstanding job. He attends regular National Council Meetings as well as virtual Leaders Forums. CCI National has also held several webinars over this past year which have been very successful. Thanks to our CCI Manitoba Chapter Board members who participated as webinar panel members.
While I think it is so important to thank our many volunteers for the work they do, I also have to thank our CCI, Manitoba Chapter members, condominium corporations, Boards of Directors, condominium owners, Business partners, and Professional members. Thanks to all of our presenters, prize donors and sponsors. Property Managers deserve our very special thanks for helping us get out the message by sending emails, delivering newsletters and promoting CCI. You are all so much appreciated.
Many thanks to our 2020-2021 Sponsors.
Gold Level Sponsors
Karma Property Management - HUB International - Fillmore Riley LLP
Silver Level Sponsors
Schinkel Property Management - JRoss Construction - Centum Financial
Bronze Level Sponsors
WSP - Imperial Properties - CW Stevenson Inc
It has been such a pleasure to serve as the President of CCI, Manitoba Chapter this past year and I want to thank everyone for the opportunity. While it has been a very different and difficult year, we have all risen to the challenges, celebrated many successes and look forward to what the next fiscal year may bring. We hope to see many of you at our AGM on September 23rd.
Until next time.
Maureen Hancharyk, President
Manitoba Chapter
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