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The Value of Networking
By Maureen Hancharyk | Other articles by Maureen Hancharyk | Feature
So much has been lost due to the pandemic and certainly CCI along with our members have felt the loss. I think the biggest loss was networking. We as condominium owners and Board members didn’t have the opportunity to meet at Lunch and Learns and President’s Forums to connect and talk about issues, share information and find solutions. Now that the world is trying to return to some kind of normal, it is difficult to recreate the past.
At CCI we too are struggling to find ways to bring people together. Attendance has not been what it once was at our recently introduced in person Lunch-and-Learns. We are planning a Presidents’ Forum in early April and hope that many of you will attend. Over the years I have heard from so many of you that networking and talking with others who had a common interest, was one of the most beneficial rewards of membership in CCI. I agree and that is what drew me to this wonderful organization. Are there other ways that we can get together and network? It just doesn’t seem to be the same on Zoom meetings. Some prefer Zoom as they don’t have to leave the comforts of home, get in the car or even get dressed. But getting together with others is just not the same on Zoom as it is in person. Let’s all try to make an effort to reestablish those relationships at the next CCI event. I look forward to seeing many of you there.
For information on upcoming events, refer to our website
CCI Manitoba Chapter
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